Tattoo Info

At Mystic Moon Tattoos, we believe in empowering clients to make informed decisions and building a healthy community around tattooing.

Pain and Comfort

You’ve probably heard that the skin is the largest organ on your body, and it has an important job protecting the soft stuff underneath! Unfortunately, that means we’re getting up close and personal with your pain receptors. Yes, for some reason the body gets upset when we stab it over and over!

Expectations for Pain

You might have seen charts showing which parts of the body hurt the most, but they can be a bit misleading. The truth is that everyone’s body is different, and the pain depends less on the specific part of the body, and more on where your own nerve endings are. For some people, a particular area might feel quite painful, while for others it might be so chill they could nap right through it. When picking a spot for your tattoo, think long-term about where you want it. Remember, the pain is temporary, but the tattoo is permanent!

There are also other factors that can affect your pain tolerance:

  • Eating a good meal beforehand, this will give your body energy, as well as help level your blood sugar levels.

  • Getting plenty of rest will get you physically and mentally prepared.

  • Drinking water is also crucial, as hydrated skin accepts ink a lot more easily.

You may need to take breaks during your session. It’s important to be aware that while you’re taking a break your skin will swell more, which can lead to more discomfort later. That said, if you’re finding the pain unbearable, don’t hesitate to speak up! It is crucial to listen to your body.

A common myth about tattooing is that white ink hurts more than other inks. The truth is that white ink is just the same as any other ink. Artists start with darker colours and move to lighter ones, so by the time they get to the white ink, your skin will be more sensitive. A fully white tattoo shouldn’t hurt any more than a black one.

A large and delicate tattoo depicting a wolpertinger
A tattoo depicting a cute fantasy moth holding a lantern and reading a large book with soft shading
A cute anthropomorphic fantasy moth holding a lantern

Numbing Cream

Numbing cream is a controversial topic among tattoo professionals. Some artists have reported that it can have a negative effect on the healed work. In other shops, using numbing cream is a normal practice.

For us at Mystic Moon Tattoos, we currently don’t use or offer numbing cream. Here’s why:

  • If you choose to use it, it needs to be applied about an hour before your appointment, which takes some control away from the artist when it comes to cleanliness and safety.

  • When applied on an open wound, numbing cream may cause serious injury.

  • There are specialized numbing creams designed specifically for tattoos that aim to avoid impacting the final look, but some are reported to contain more than the recommended amount of active ingredients. Always check with a doctor before using medical products.

  • Not all numbing creams are 100% effective, so some parts might still be painfully sensitive while others feel fine.

  • Without numbing cream, your body releases natural endorphins to adapt you to the pain. With numbing cream, this process is interrupted, so when the cream wears off (often before the session ends), your body may experience a shock when you suddenly experience the pain. This pain can actually be worse than the usual pain associated with a tattoo.

Although we don’t typically use numbing cream, there are some instances where it is necessary. If you have specific medical concerns or just want to chat about it, we’re here for an open and honest conversation with you to find the best approach.